What is it that they say? You don't know what you don't know? Well, recently I have been learning all kinds of things I never knew:
- I accept that my floral knowledge is, shall we say, limited. I'll always adore my childhood favorites - Daisies (for Daisy Chains), Dandelions (for wishes), Buttercups (for flirting) and Johnny Jump Ups (my favorite). As an adult I grew to love Hyacinth (great fragrance), Roses (of course), and various Orchids (mainly for killing). But never did I think much of those ubiquitous yellow flowers that pop up everywhere this time of year. I guess I just figured they were weeds. Well, I have recently learned they are called Sour Grass. As you may have surmised, the stems are edible and sour. Erik says they taste like dog pee. Surprisingly, he has yet to convince me to try one.
- I also accept that I know next to nothing astronomical. I did take Astronomy in college (to satisfy a science requirement without taking a lab) - but that was all math and it was many many moons ago. Still, I was shocked to learn that I have long mistaken the Little Dipper for the Big Dipper, meaning, I suppose, that I have never really seen the Big Dipper at all. Tonight I couldn't find the tiny cluster of stars I have always called the Little Dipper, but I have learned that I am not the only one to find them dipper-like. My error is apparently common enough to inspire this astronomy.com forum post, titled "Will Make You Laugh." For those who are curious, here's a great guide to the real deal. Trouble is, I was out there gazing tonight and I think my new Little Dipper was oriented the other way...
- Finally, it is no surprise that my geographical skills are weak. Still, I always sort of assumed Death Valley was in Nevada because, well, Nevada is the hot state, right? Sad, I know. Anyway, I'm learning about Death Valley as Erik is planning a trip there. I believe it is a trip I will skip, cuz much as I dig a good swimming pool and those mysterious rocks of the Racetrack Playa, lately I have just not been drawn to the heat. This surprises me as I have always been cold to the bone and suddenly I'm just not. I don't know if I am packing around too much personal insulation or if it's a change in my hormones or what, but it makes me nervous about Erik's desire to live in Miami after law school...
Anyway, I am confident that there are a ton of other things I don't know but for now I feel my work here is done...
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