Meanwhile OC started his day with a warm compress on what might be an abscess on his ear. Finding nothing purulent under his scabs, I spared him a trip to the vet for now. He later spent his free time catching yet another a bird. Perhaps because he remembered that the last live bird he brought in the house was set free, he decided to dine on this one outside. Unfortunately he happened to walk past our front door (which is glass) just as I was passing by myself. After some pursuit and inspection, I found his prey was still alive. Per our agreement, I claimed it as my own. I credit my improved bird releasing techniques to my work with sea lions. Poor Fabe used to get hit with a stick while OC just gets his jaw gently popped open... Anyway, I know the bird rescue lady will protest that OC's snack is now dying of infection in the wild, but I didn't think about bringing them both inside before I separated them and the poor thing flew off instantly. OC tried to give chase but he quit a few feet away, spitting feathers out of his mouth and giving me a dirty look.
Today I think I was inspired to spend extra special time appreciating my kitties cuz I learned from my neighbor that her aging orange cat, Georgie, has finally forsaken solid foods. He had a swell Thanksgiving feast of white meat turkey but has since shown no interest in anything. I'm not sure if / when she'll euthanize but I offered to give Georgie subcutaneous fluids if she wants to string him along for an extra day or two. I know I regret letting Fabe die hungry (I only let him go once he couldn't even do tuna juice...), but I also totally understand wanting to extend the time you've got together. And I know my neighbor loves that cat. She put up with some serious litter box infractions for a very long time (which only stopped when she cleverly replaced his litter with topsoil...).
On an altogether different note, I just got an email from Netflix informing me that My Super Ex-Girlfriend is on its way. I've been dying to see it ever since the eldest nieces informed me that it inspired their grandmother (my mother-in-law) to tell them that, "there is more to love than just rough sex." Seriously, I've got to compile a book of crazy mother quotes (most from my own mom) including the classic, "I don't not dislike you."
I do not like all of these bird eating stories, J. Not at all.
Am I evil because I am perversely proud? I mean, I know that domestic cats are terrorists and they destroy the local ecosystem... And, my God, if I catch OC with this many birds, how many more are ingested without witness? Still, he's so gifted and he's only doing what nature tells him to do... This is why I know I will be perpetually pecked to death by his birdie victims when I finally go to Hell...
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