So my next scheduled road trip is south to see my sister. It's her birthday and she decided to spend it in San Diego. With me. And, of course, her daughter Grace. (Formerly known as Baby G, now that she is potty trained and has a real bed and an extended vocabulary and even hair she is quite insistent that she is a big girl...) Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to it though I am always reminded when returning from the road just how much of a homebody I really am. I love just being home. Doing nothing. Seeing kitties. Taking naps.
Anyway, while talking to my sister (and Grace, who still sometimes just nods while on the phone) about our pending plans, I have once again been invited to come play Anti to the Rescue. This time she'd like me to be up the week after Christmas. The thing is, my parents have invited me for the week before Christmas. Sounds great, eh? I've got no job. I could stay for both weeks, right? But my husband has Christmas and Christmas Eve off. He never has Christmas off. It's not like we do anything - we don't really decorate (though we've been using Christmas lights to illuminate our bedroom since last year), we don't exchange gifts, we don't make a token appearance at church, we don't even cook a turkey or a ham - but it seems like I shouldn't abandon him with cat care duties during the holiday.
And then, for those who have been following the plot closely, there's the whole empty promises made over fondue issue that lurks between me and my sister. While I've worked really hard to let it go, I'm still a little bitter that I was duped into taking on a cat I can't afford. (He is still doing great, by the way, which is way awesome.) Thing is, if I'm honest and seek to negotiate some sort of financial settlement I know it will ruin her birthday weekend. I really don't want to drive all the way to San Diego just to fight with my sister. But if I ditch my husband for my sister without standing up for myself (and essentially my husband, who has to pay OC's butt related bills), I'll be a big weenie. And as Dr. Phil is fond of saying, you teach people how to treat you and I really don't want to be endorsing my status as sister / doormat.
On the other hand, Grace is super fun and we'd have a groovy time hanging out together. And Suzanne wouldn't actually be out of town (just working nights) so I'm not even certain I'd have to do the whole live in the animal house thing. I guess I'll play it by ear.
In the meanwhile, I still owe you the low down of my last couple days visiting my other nieces. But for now I have a burrito waiting in the kitchen and a litter box to scoop.
I've noticed I've sort of abandoned my gratitude theme (which turned out to be so not original anyway), so tonight I am grateful for dishwashers. Random, I know, but really, I can still remember life before my dishwasher and things are so much easier now.
Holy Moly
7 years ago
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