You can see from his expression that he was wholly unmoved by my objections. I have frequently requested that only whole animals be left in the house. Half eaten animals are completely unacceptable. OC argued that since this one was 99% consumed, it should certainly not count against him in any way. Finding his perspective fairly persuasive, I thanked him for being such a thoughtful kitty.
Never one to be outdone, this morning my black cat, Pequeno, decorated my bedroom floor with his own batch of bird feathers. He considers small animals toys (not meals), so there were many more feathers, less blood, and, of course, the body was intact. Having followed the rules to the letter, he was allowed to enjoy his playful little projectile until I felt like getting out of bed for the day.
As much as both rooms were due for a good vacuuming, I'm really hopeful that this round of sibling rivalry ends with a draw. I have explained to the boys that while it is surely exhilarating to catch a bird with their claws, it really isn't all that impressive. Their little pecan brains are far larger than the pea brains of their prey and they have been given genetic advantages that make them quicker and quieter. Unfortunately, it seems they have taken my "pick on someone your own size" speech to heart. Tonight they're once again trying to kill each other.
By the way, I was once again wrong and right with my gender guessing. Dr. Suz was not a boy but then again, neither was little orphan Cranny.
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