Anyway, this morning I was awakened at 7:38 by my hubby who was warning me the crazy cat lady was looking for me. She left "See me" notes all over the neighborhood.
Here's the one that was on Erik's

And the one on my car:

And my neighbor's:

Cleverly, I had saved the cat lady's phone number after she had confessed to abducting OC this past Labor Day. Although I did not have to appear in person, I steeled myself for our conversation by putting on the green corduroy pants I recently got as hand-me-downs from a now skinnier seal friend of mine. I was hoping perhaps they would loan me some of my friend's composure and wisdom. When I still felt anxious despite my grown up appearance, I called this friend for a pep talk (she's an early bird and my gmail inbox confirmed she was awake).
Finally ready, I rang the crazy cat lady. Immediately I learned she was not holding anyone hostage. Sigh of relief. Having heard a cat fight that morning (a fight which sounded completely verbal, by the way - drawn out caterwauling, lacking the distinctly different tussling sound that accompanies higher pitched cries of pain), I surmised correctly that it must have involved her cat and, presumably, one of mine. She detailed my cats' offenses and listed their numerous enemies. She complained that she might throw her arm out, having to throw so many rocks at my cats to police her property. I suggested using water as a deterrent but apparently she doesn't have a hose in her front yard. (I have since considered ordering her a Super Soaker on line...) She demanded I must have a solution to the urban cat density problem since I had, after all, urged her to contact me if she had problems with my cats. Of course I had proposed communication as an alternative to abducting my cats and leaving them 10 miles from my home next to the freeway in cardboard boxes that only "acrobats" could escape... So naturally I proposed she keep her cats inside. She rejected my proposal. She would prefer I keep my kitties inside which, of course, I refused as well. She then threatened to sue me for future vet bills. I have watched enough Judge Judy to figure she will have a hard time proving her case without video evidence or eye witnesses.
So we left it at that. Only there's one more nugget of hope. She happened to let me know that she is the owner of 4 cats. County ordinances only allow for 3. (Then again, county ordinances also say that cats who bite - a human or another cat - can be quarantined for 10 days until a veternarian determines they are disease free... But a woman who cannot figure out how to bring a hose from her back yard into her front yard and who thinks cats are not acrobatic will probably not be researching county ordinances... And still there is that pesky question of proof...) This bit of news I will reserve until the next set of "See me" notes.
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