I abandoned my test (I had sucked on puzzles anyway) and joined him in the search. Erik tried to tell me the blood could be human. He had seen some people gathered around a truck the night before. Crowds of any sort are unusual in our neighborhood and they'd had a bad vibe, he said. Perhaps they had had an altercation? Maybe I watch a little too much CSI, but it looked to me like the stain was quite consistent with that of a cat rolling around a tire. I felt nauseous.
Though we hoped against hope that the stain wasn't left by our darling Pequeno-Blackie-Akhmed-Little Fabe, we realized he's quite the homebody and he hadn't been in for his dinner or late night brother fight. We walked around a few blocks calling him and I even started a load of laundry (he loved to supervise the washing of clothes). We also left the back door open (another irresistible lure) but we had no success.
When we got home I started calling the veterinary ERs, the Sheriff, the local police, and our immediate neighbors. No luck, obviously. Within an hour, the phone rang and I saw that it was one of my two seal rescuing neighbors who live a block away. I'm not on the seal schedule this month, so my heart immediately sunk. When she asked if I had a black cat, I knew...
So the kid who was driving was really freaked out. Blackers came out of nowhere and he had no time to stop or swerve. He got out of his car, called his parents, and waited there for them. My cat died instantly - the impact destroyed his beautiful face. Meanwhile, a couple who was walking their dog came along and knew that my friend owned a black cat just a block away. They decided to take the body to her. She spent the evening worried until her own cat came home. Then, knowing where the accident occurred, she realized the dead cat was probly mine.
We'd known from the stain that the accident was most likely fatal. Since it was trash day, I had Erik checking everyone's cans thinking someone might have tossed him out. I can say that I am overwhelmingly grateful no one treated him that way. I appreciate that he was well cared for post mortem by my neighbors. I was tortured at the thought that I might never know what happened to him and I am glad that torture was only one hour long. Still, this really sucks.

I wonder how long it will take OC to realize he is an only cat. We decided not to show him the body as we didn't want to freak him out. He's still pretty jumpy, so it seems he thinks there's a possibility his brother could show up at any moment... I was just glad OC came home at all. It's been exactly one year since he disappeared after the crazy lady abducted him. I was afraid she'd pull some sort of repeat performance. I really hope OC spends more time at home now that he's allowed to. I don't have it in my heart to force him to be an indoor kitty but I'm starting to see where those indoor kitty families are coming from.
In the morning we'll have Blackers cremated. I may not keep my kitties indoors when they are alive, but I'm not willing to bury them once they are gone. If I can hoard art supplies and Happy Meal toys, I sure as hell can hoard my dead cats.
Once I can see beyond my own grief, I'm sure I'll write Blackers a proper posting, celebrating all the ways in which he was a fabulous cat. Though I only had him for 2 years and 5 1/2 months, I've got plenty of wonderful memories. He really helped me heal after losing Fabian. Now that Blackie's gone, the loss feels doubled. I am so not prepared to go through all of this again.
Just saying "I'm sorry" is no way to express an understanding of your loss. But to go into a long, rambling "he's in a great place" speech doesn't work either. I do believe, however, that the universal network of Cat Lovers shares in your grief. I have no doubt that felines are just opinionated, let-me-do-it-my-way guardian angels. Black, gray, white, or tabby, they ask little of us other than something good to eat, a warm place to sleep and a good tummy rub once in awhile. But, oh how they return those small favors with great comfort and genuine emotional knowing.
May the God of cats and dogs and ferrets and seals and birds and elephants, etc., heal your broken heart in the time it takes for a black streak to disappear down the hall after hearing the dreaded words, "get out of the toilet you #%*! cat."
Oh sweet Jenni -- this is horrible news and makes my heart ache. Nothing profound to say, but I'm sending you and Erik and OC big hugs. I know that hurty kind of grief and it pains me to know you're in the throes of it, but in my experience, there ain't no way around it. Just gotta ride it out, and molest OC with love and affection. Erik too. So, so very sorry, friend. Rest in peace, little Blackers.
Jen, I just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog! In fact, your blog is what got me started reading blogs at all. Best wishes.
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