At first I didn't think I'd get Monkey, as I failed to lie on the application about the indoor only part. But it turns out they hadn't even looked at my app and if they had, they wouldn't care. The wonderful woman who was raising him had at least 20 other foster cats, 13 foster dogs, and even 3 foster humans (teenaged boys). She was so ready to lighten her load she was even willing to let me leave with two for the price of one. (I resisted.) Besides, even she doesn't object to outside kitties on principle. She just can't let her animals out cuz her neighbors own cat eating pit bulls.
Anyway, I've decided the indoor only part isn't necessarily a lie, at least not for a good long bit. While I will continue to let OC roam, I have ordered a locking cat door so that he can get in but Monkey (and hopefully Bali) can't get out. I'm thinking if Blackers' little pecan of a brain told him to run in front of a car, what will Monkey do with a partial pecan? OC, on the other hand, is an established outdoorsman and has little other joy in life besides hunting (which, regrettably, he just finished - I found him consuming an already headless hummingbird in the backyard...) and apparently eating grass (some of which is currently hanging out of his butt... I'm hoping this is a good sign - that things are "moving down there," as my mom might say - not a bad sign - as his August enema was distinctly dominated by grass...). OC's condition reminds me of this hilarious illustration I came across while bloghopping. I remember seeing Fabe in exactly the same predicament once...

Now Bali, on the other hand, may get a new name along with his new home. If he really is a mix of Blackers and Fabe, I'm thinking I may call him Monster to match his personality. There is already evidence that this may be the case - one of his three photos on Petfinder shows him biting another cat he has clenched in a head lock... I wish I didn't love him so, for I see that Monkey and OC will eventually get along fine but there's no telling what a third cat will do to the mix. (I've prepared for the worst and picked up a gallon of Nature's Miracle...) I also wish his foster mom would be more forthcoming with her approval of my application. I know she is busy but I am anxious. Though it is good to let Monkey get settled in...
Besides, based upon his grassy ass accessory, I may be busy the next few days dealing with OC. I took him to the vet on Friday due to his "condition suspect" status. They administered the standard humiliation only to discover that the bulge which normally indicates impactedness was actually made from swollenness. So now OC is on steroids to reduce the inflammation. I'm not sure what this means for poor OC. Is this a new torture he'll mix in with the old? Is it causal? Coincidental? Likely to recur or totally random? I do know I feel great appreciation towards my vet who has been giving me some major deals - sort of a volume discount, I guess, or a frequent flyer program... And I also feel major affection towards OC, as he is such a trooper.
Perhaps, though, this added uncertainty is part of why I feel the need to get two cats to replace one? Do I secretly see the writing on the wall? I sure hope not. I figure I am just doing what I did when Fabe died - replacing one cat with two. And three cats does not a crazy cat lady make. Three is the new two, I've decided. And the blackies are both young so they can enjoy each other while OC mellows about and licks his butt... Or so I am telling myself.

1 comment:
You are most definitely God's gift to black kitties. In fact, I think kitties in general should bow day and pay homage.
I'm headed for the dictionary as I have no idea what "polydactyl means.
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