Thursday, March 13, 2008

spider karma

Ever since I helped Monkey kill that spider last month, it seems I have been suffering arachnid revenge. At first I thought it was just a matter of perception (the noticing all the red lights when you are late to work theory...). Then I thought maybe it is just spider season (could still be, in fact). But now things have seriously escalated. Here are the disturbing places I have encountered spiders in the last few days:
  1. On the couch, on my favorite green and white blanket (a wedding gift from my Aunt Kathy). This spider was quick enough to disappear before Erik could escort him outside so the blanket remains under quarantine.
  2. On the couch, again, on my other blanket (the yellow quilt my mom made ages ago) - but this time I was sitting under said blanket. I only noticed as I felt him scurrying across my arm. Before I knew it, he had crossed my lap. To my dismay he disappeared into the couch cushions. What a way to ruin a very rare OC snuggle.
  3. Finally, just moments ago, I ran across another spider in the kitchen, on my Agave Nectar. Again he was also too quick for Erik to capture. And unlike most spiders, who head for the darkness, he is now guarding the microwave, rendering it and the nearby toaster totally useless.
Guess it's time for bed. Think I'll sleep with the lights on.

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