I'm not really in the mood to post. Could be the call of more sleep or the crick in my neck or the cat on my mouse or my complete and utter lack of inspiration, but whatever. If it weren't November I wouldn't be sitting here.
Anyway, at least today I always knew if it was day or night. And today I napped like a normal person - on the couch with the television on - at least until the phone rang. It was a request to move a dead otter from a drop box to the freezer. Gross, I know, but this seal rescuing business isn't always glamorous and my Fish & Game boyfriend (who would normally deal with the dead otters) has been out of town since the SF oil spill and now is tied up with the Monterey mystery spill... His freezer is very very full of what we fondly call "otter pops." Anyway, after my errand I pretty much did nothing - no unpacking from my trip, no folding of clothes or cleaning of house. But I did enjoy OC's insidedness (thank you cold weather) and I most recently fret about his other bloody ear (I'm thinking draining abscess...) and, well, that's about my day. My cold has moved out of my nose and into my throat with all the soreness and coughing and weird inside ear itchiness that goes along with the migration of the snot... But this is good because it means we are almost done.
So sorry I had nothing to say. But at least, I guess, I said it.
Holy Moly
7 years ago
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