So I spent the day out in the country with horses. Although I'm fairly comfortable working with 200 pound wild pinnipeds, I find horses frightening. My sister-in-law / best friend, however, loves horses and since she has a full time job, weekends are her riding time. Far be it from me to stand between a woman and her passion.
I only had one true horse incident. I was trusted with the most compliant of her three horses, Tuffy, and was asked to release him in the round pen so he could roll around. Well, I released him near the pen, not exactly in it. It was no surprise to anyone when he ran away. Thankfully Sadie was nearby to bail me out and redirect the old boy.
Other than that, I'd say it was a great day. A little too much sun and sugar, but plenty of juicy teenage gossip. Unfortunately I am sworn to secrecy. I am being tested. If I can be trusted with the details of last night's party I will be rewarded with more information in the future.
In a moment of weakness, however, I sort of agreed to let Sadie cut my hair tonight. This is something she and her sister have been begging to do for ages. In fact, Zoe, who's on the road for softball, will be seriously jealous that Sadie had first shot. Anyway, I figure my hair is already pathetic. How much worse could it get? As long as I can pull it into a ponytail (my staple look), I'll survive.
This does mean, though, that I'll likely need to drink the rest of that cheap wine to soldier through it. That kills any possibility of driving home tonight (which I always consider and often reject) which means a night spent camping on the floor. Which requires, of course, more wine. You can see the vicious cycle, eh?
In any event, it has been, as usual, a pleasure to reconnect to the girls in my life. I sure hope I don't get Alzheimer's so that I'll have a prayer of savoring these memories for years to come...
Holy Moly
7 years ago
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