A regular reader and dear friend of mine requested not only a clarification but a diagram regarding the A frame hug, item #37 on the list of
63 things I love about my dad. Never one to disappoint a friend (except for yesterday when I disappointed two friends after I forgot it was Monday as in Movie Night Monday. Sadly, once I remembered it was Monday I still "forgot" to attend Movie Night... I know this is horrible, both the forgetting of the day of the week (a byproduct of the princess parasite lifestyle), and the intentional ditching of a friendly invitation, but the last Movie Night I attended was actually really lame (limited seating, as in I sat on the floor, and limited movie, as in others kept talking through the plot only to insist we rewind and watch key parts again...). And besides, Movie Night is held in a town which is 45 minutes away from my own. I rarely even drive this far for seals. And, to top it all off, my husband was home and awake (both of which are rare) which was way more appealing than any chick flick could be...), and so, as I was saying, since I am never one to disappoint a friend, I give you the diagrams.

Above and to the left is an example of a normal hug.
To the right, the A frame. Notice how the bodies tilt and only touch at the top of the torso? This forms the A frame.
I think because I was raised on the A frame, that I am not a particularly touchy feely person. In fact, recently I was dismayed to be hugged in a group setting by a girl I barely know and like even less. When lamenting about it later (to another friend who suffered a similar experience) she commented that she'd warned her husband of the impending intrusion on his personal space. She instructed him to "give her the long hug" in self defense, an interesting tactic I'd never considered. While it prolongs the initial unpleasantry, it practically guarantees there will be no repeat of the unwelcome event.
Cool illustrations. me
Ahhh, now I can picture the A-frame hug! I'll have to remember this move for the next time I see you so that you don't feel too touchie-feelied. :)w
Oh no! An A frame hug would be weird if I got it from you... I only avoid the touching and feeling of people I don't like, missy, and you are not one of those people.
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