Anyway, today is Bob Barker's birthday. Oh, Bob, I miss you so. Drew is okay, I guess, mocking the contestants and all, but still, he's no Bob. At least he knows that.
And, I learned just this year, today is Chris's birthday, my friend from high school. He's perhaps best remembered as our food critic, Won Ton John, though I like to remember him by his college fraternity nickname, Pledge Penis. Apparently he had to carry a dildo with him where ever he went. Oh, how glad am I that I never went Greek? Anyway, I sent him a few drunken emails (toasting to his honor, as is tradition) and am smiling now remembering good times long past...
And, of course, December 12th is the day we lost Erik's cousin, Kate, to a failed heart and lung transplant meant to combat her cystic fibrosis. Even though today is a sadiversary, I like any excuse to think of Kate. What a spitfire. It's really true that the good die young, though my siblings and I always hated how that sounded like an insult coming from my Dad (since we were, after all, still living and his favorite patients had passed...).

And this week I completed a number of personal projects. 2007 is apparently the year of the personalized photo gift. Mostly I did a lot of hounding (needing other people's photos) and arranging and uploading. Sadly, this means I have done very little laundry folding or house cleaning. Poor Erik. I really don't know why he married me.
Oh, and yesterday? Yesterday I learned I am too poor to be this fat. I had finally broken down and resolved to resize my wedding ring (so I could enjoy it in the meanwhile and celebrate the sizing of it back down later...) only to find out that resizing platinum is, well, expensive. ("You don't ask how much it costs to tune up a Ferrari," says the jewelry store guy... Well, yeah, you do if you can't afford your Ferrari, I told him...) So now I have 205 new reasons to shed some weight.
Anyway, hooray for December 12th and for Bob and Chris and Kate. And for fur seals and sea lions and especially for pain meds. And for shiny diamonds on well loved pudgy fingers. For orange cats asleep in boxes and for scratched up faded photos.
I'm off now to work on the family Christmas letter, I guess. Mom hasn't set a due date, but I'm pretty sure I'm late. I leave in a week to go visit (brrr, cold) and I'd like to be done well before then.
1 comment:
Clearly somewhere in the very distant past an intellectual cave man drew squiggles on a cave wall which eventually became numbers. Those in turn were placed in order by another cave (lets say) person to be politically correct and someone else determined that by adding zeros you could get to the power of 10 - quickly. Howvere, no suitable use could be made of numbers until; days were named, then numbers assigned to a series of days and viola - the calendar was created. Not a burden to understand why one number follows another. It's so clear 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - etc. Who the clever so and so was that worked out the seven day cycle may never be known for sure. Irrelevant to this discourse. Sandwiched between the 11th and the 13th is the 12th. A significant day in the life of many. A birthday, an anniversery (or a new term to me - sadiversery, I like that for it's truth and simplicity.) Not to diminish the importance of 12, but what about the 15th? Or the 20th? My point is that important events should not be labeled by assigning a number to it. How about? Wednesday, the day of many tides? Or Tuesday, the day no cleaning got done. (Well, wait that could be confusing if it happens too often, or to too many.) That Sunday in December when I _______________ you fill the blank. Maybe the confusion generated by such naming would come from so many different events for each day. The day in question might only have signifigance for the "namer." Dating things seems to be required in posting, correspondance, wills, etc. Being a non - conventional person I do believe that from now on I will abstain from dating anything. Today is Thursday, the day I made a comment on Anti Jen's blog, 2007. I like that. Excuse me now while I go trim my eye brows.
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