I am so excited to announce the arrival of my newest piece of clutter. Behold the beauty of
the pie safe animals on parade.

And in case you aren't properly amazed, look how big it is. It's like seven feet tall. It seemed much smaller in the store with the very high ceilings. Ah, I love it even more. I definitely love it more than $800 plus tax plus interest on my credit card. Now we just have to find a place to put it. I think the laundry chair is going to be evicted. The black cat will be angry, as it is one of his favorite scratching posts, but I would so much rather look at my pie safe than my unfolded laundry. Besides, the black cat is always angry. In fact, he's been sleeping in the other room for the past week as his brother's been home a lot. I notice he is in the bed now, with Erik, so he is definitely just making a point to avoid the bed to punish me...

Anyway, after my hubby delivered my beloved pie safe, I ran out and rescued yet another sea lion. Yvonne is, I'm now thinking, most likely a boy. Tucked, skinny, dry, lethargic, with juicy respirations and pale mucous membranes... a definite pick up. We gave him some antibiotics last night and some fluids this morning. Hopefully, he'll do pretty well, as so many of my animals this year have not. I haven't confirmed their outcomes, but neither
Gainer nor
Comedian appear on the website. Comedian, with the crunchy, bumpy back is no surprise. And I guess, really, the giant pus lump on Gainer could have given me a clue. Still, you'd think I'd get one out of two. And, I sadly learned, my dear
Tapia is toast. Apparently he restranded just before the fourth of July and they euthanized for suspected chronic domoic acid toxicity. Yeah, so I guess I don't really want him out there suffering with his little atrophied hippocampus trying to survive in the wild, but still, I am bummed.
But I am also busy. Off to Sausalito for an overnight visit preceding a Saturday morning meeting. Erik's coming with me, which is fun for company and romance and all, but worrisome for OC who will have no one to defend him when he sneaks in for dinner tonight. Poor little red headed step child. Anyway, I've still got to pack so I guess I'd best sign off.
A few questions ...
1. What is a pie safe and do pies need more safekeeping than say, cakes or donuts?
2. Do you have time to fill a 7 foot pie safe in between all those sick seals?
3. Do you make homemade pies or use Mrs. Paul's?
4. If not pies, what does one put inside a pie safe?
5. Chronic domoic acid toxicity? Indeed that doesn't sound good.
6. I have no idea that seal had it so hard. I thought they just laid around on rocks and had the leisurely life. You are definitely a seal's guardian angel. Keep up the good work.
I too need some explanation as to what a pie safe is. Whatever it is, it is extraordinary.
-w (Merry Me's Daughter)
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