Today I checked on an animal in Cayucos that I was really hoping would be a fat old elephant seal. What they say about real estate is also true of seal rescues - location, location, location - and this was not my favorite location. From the cliff above my hopes were dashed. My elephant seal was so obviously a sea lion. He looked suspiciously lethargic and definitely skinny. As I scrambled down (mostly on my butt) to get a better look, I knew I didn't have much chance of a successful rescue. Descending the cliff was difficult enough, getting back up the same way (with equipment) would be impossible. My sea lion was alert (perhaps it was my less than graceful approach?) and right next to the water. I barely arrived on the beach before he took off, his fishing line necklace looking as uncomfortable as barbed wire. My subsequent hike out confirmed my initial assessment - this cove was less than accessible - but I've seen stranger things happen. I would have happily traded a twisted ankle for a chance to get the entanglement off that sea lion.
The sun just set so I know I won't get him today. I remind myself that entangled animals are difficult to catch even in the best locations but it's little consolation. Instead I share this picture of the only other entangled sea lion I've caught - Homer Ray. He was smaller, much more approachable, but in at least as bad a spot. I had to hike out on to and around Morro Rock to find him sitting on a slanted rock, his butt inches from deep ocean. I don't even think I can take credit for catching him as I had my husband throw the net. I told him it was because of his reach advantage but we both knew I was afraid of falling in. Or missing. Or missing and falling in.
So today I was not a hero but I did enjoy a pleasant walk on a gorgeous day. That's something.
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